Alright! its a new day. erm... start things out, i'll continue on yesterday's event. Me and alex cab down to hougang ave 2 to meet kenny's fren, after meeting her we waited for ken and we sing a birthday song for her since it was her birthday. Then we stayed at her block's void deck to eat the birthday cake that alex bought but i choose it. While eating, THAT FUCKING ALEX! take the cake's cream and rub it on kenny, then a war broke out. Guess wad!?! every one had cream on their face except me! haha it was damn funny la.. Then no one realise until alex saw be staying far away from them, and he shouted " EH! darel! looks like you have not gotton any cream on ur face yet" after saying that, he dug a finger full of cream, shit man i started to freak out. HAHA! then i went to the table and took the WHOLE CAKE! and chase after him. haha damn funny la..

Okie, so there is only 2 pics, and damn it. i didnt even get a chance to take a photo with the birthday girl. Aiyah! nvm la.. haha ^^ After that we went down to gorges(don noe how to spell), to have a drink! Erm.. we ordered one barrel, calamari and garlic bread. When we were there we saw ALWYN! haha damn it la.. he rocks la, he is like damn fucking cool. SHIT! i jus remember, i never took a pic with him also.. damn it la. okie, move on! erm we drank lo, and played pool, and dice! damn it la don noe why ar kenny like cheating lo, i always had to drink. haha! erm, we drank till like 4 then headed home lo, me kenny and alex were the last 3. haha birthday girl, was tired so she left. WHAHA! i stole the barrel and a decanter! haha wth sia.. alex took damn many cups la! haha

New life, new things, new me.

New life, new things, new me.
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