Formula 1.

Okie, this was a serious serious last mins thing. Last minute i received a call telling me i have 5 free tickets to the F1 race, first day. Then i was like, omg how am i gonna find ppl to go with me? so i called and ask, but only manage to get clarence and bryan. So all 3 of us went to watch the race lo. It was nice man, haha i liked the feel, was exactly the same one year back. well, took many pics and ya, we bought 3 bottle of drinks. total amount $15! ccb! expensive sia! drinking gold! haha Then after that we head to shawn's place the coffee shop and ate, and sit at the playground jus keep talking and talking. good old days, when we think back. :)
AWWW! yet another prob! lungs failing on me! freak.. i don noe if its my rib cage or lungs, but it hurts like hell. Fuck! i don wanna be in wad i've been one year back. Yet again when i think back, what happens if i'm gone? oh well.. hope everything would be alright bah..
I miss you.
Do u miss me?
Its alright if u dont.
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