Okie, its been a very very very long time since i last blogged. Its bcs i am BUSY! heaps of reports and work to do, but since i saw maisarah tagging me asking me to blog, i'll then blog jus alittle. XD
Any way, school is becoming a killer, exams coming soon, and work keeps coming non-stop. I had to skip my dear bro (Alex) birthday for my work, and had to cancel soccer with izzun and sentosa with jh. Oh gosh! i'm so srry guys, i wish i could come to the events, but i just cant. Hope u guys will understand.
Weeks back was SCL kick off, and guess wad! our team, jacklai F.C got the 3rd cum 4th place. LOL! i don reali noe if its 3rd or 4th, but who cares! we are the only yr1 team that made it to semi! JACKLAI F.C!!! And yah, there are heaps of stuff happening in school also.

This is a picture i took at mac, nothign special. just that i didnt take any pics in school, so i jus upload wad i got. XD

ALL HAIL PETER! haha! this is my classmate, his name is peter aka the bangala! haha this was taken i think during pd lesson. or... maybe not. i cant rmb! He is the all time joker in my class, even i lose to him! haha
Okie, i'll blog till here, needa finish up my report. Blog next time! bye!
New life, new things, new me.
Any way, school is becoming a killer, exams coming soon, and work keeps coming non-stop. I had to skip my dear bro (Alex) birthday for my work, and had to cancel soccer with izzun and sentosa with jh. Oh gosh! i'm so srry guys, i wish i could come to the events, but i just cant. Hope u guys will understand.
Weeks back was SCL kick off, and guess wad! our team, jacklai F.C got the 3rd cum 4th place. LOL! i don reali noe if its 3rd or 4th, but who cares! we are the only yr1 team that made it to semi! JACKLAI F.C!!! And yah, there are heaps of stuff happening in school also.

This is a picture i took at mac, nothign special. just that i didnt take any pics in school, so i jus upload wad i got. XD

ALL HAIL PETER! haha! this is my classmate, his name is peter aka the bangala! haha this was taken i think during pd lesson. or... maybe not. i cant rmb! He is the all time joker in my class, even i lose to him! haha
Okie, i'll blog till here, needa finish up my report. Blog next time! bye!
New life, new things, new me.
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