Alright, finally now i have ALITTLE spare time to blog. This are the pics taken during the last minutes sentosa outing. It was seriously fun, though the duration was short. But i believe every one had fun that day. Hmmm. wad else to write? let me see, school has been really tiring. Have kayak training, plus many projects and all. But i can still manage, like what the kayak ppl teach me, " DON GIVE UP, PUSH YOURSELF, BCS ONLY THEN YOU WILL IMPROVE ". The kayak training really teach me alot of priceless things, but still i wonder if i am physically fit for it. No worries i can start from now! ^^ alright blog till here then, wanna go slp alreadi. Nits!

New life, new things, new me.
New life, new things, new me.