Sunday, January 31, 2010

Knocked Out

Root to evil, remedy to unhappiness! We Drink!
It was a super epic night, we drank so much... that i got a major hangover, the next day. C***e drank till he puked.. >< super! i like.. damn it man, it was awesome...

Next week is gonna be another busy week again. Damn i need a real break, i'm getting all choked up... Okie, i'm still having headache, shall do my work instead of blogging.

-Some things are not meant to be heard or known-


Friday, January 29, 2010

It never fails to surprise me.

Okie, its's been ages since i last posted. Not saying that i'm busy, but i'm just too lazy to post. Many things happened... Still, life can't get any better.

Ganesh: remember, no matter what happens. Number 1 rule, just be yourself.. Only then you'd know who reali appreciates you for who you are. It doesn't really matter what the outcome is, whats most important is that 10 years later, u won't think back and feel like a total douche because u did so much but still the outcome is the same. WE ARE SAINTS! (though i'm away for 5 years).. <3

Some one once asked me, " Are you satisfied with life so far?".. Haha, swear to god, i kept going on and on, till he got tired of listening...

How do you really know if your satisfied with life?
1. Family
2. Financially- just enough to get by
3. Have tons of friends!
4. Don't ask for much.

1+2+3+4= Satisfaction.

-What don't kill you, will only make u stronger.-
